Users' due diligence on Le Guide Noir

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Please find below users who already used the offered services or invested with Le Guide Noir and/or performed due diligence on the company or its offerings.

This page gives an overview of users of Education Stake who are already investing with the organization and/or have performed due diligence on the any of its offered investments. The idea is to lower the effort for high quality due diligence to offer a market place. The remuneration for the people/organizations who offer due diligence insight is not through Education Stake. The compensation for due diligence consulting is upon negotiation in-between the users who offer and receive it.

What's your overall experience with Le Guide Noir (your feedback is anonymous)?

Do you want to offer your due diligence for Le Guide Noir/are invested with them as well (you can choose whether anonymous or not) and want to share/sell it?

Please give a short description of what you have/offer from your findings

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