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3rd Annual Liquidity Risk Management USA Congress

3rd Annual Liquidity Risk Management USA Congress organized by Center for Financial Professionals

New York City, NY, USA

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This two-day Congress will review the latest updates within liquidity risk including regulation, markets and technology. Join us as we hear from over 20 senior industry professionals discuss the latest trends, developments and regulatory requirements within liquidity risk management, including: OCC, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Societe Generale, RBC, BNY Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and many more. Key topics being addressed at the Congress include regulation, risk identification, interest rate risk, intraday liquidity, forecasting, independent risk function, funds transfer pricing, stress testing, the future of LRM and much more.


Costs: n/a

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://www.cefpro.com/lrmusa

Posted by: Amy Greene


Investment service provider

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