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6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum

6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum organized by GLC Europe

The next five years in risk management can bring more transformation than the last decade. In addition to your knowledge and expertise, the 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum will be streamed ONLINE and is geared to help credit risk management professionals to prepare for the upcoming requirements and demands. The hot topics to be addressed at the CRisk 2020 include (but are not limited to): Refining IFRS 9 Modelling Solutions Measuring model risk Key Forecasting Challenges for Stress Testing The impact of Big Data and Machine Learning Future trends for Data analytics and Risk management Prudential backstop and the impact in NPL handling


Costs: n/a

Event type: Corporate events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://glceurope.com/6th-annual-credit-risk-management-forum-details/?utm_source=smartmoney_match&utm_medium=media_partner&utm_campaign=CR6

Posted by: Adam Soos


Investment service provider

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