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BizzPay 8.0 – European Corporate and Retail Payments Forum

BizzPay 8.0 – European Corporate and Retail Payments Forum organized by GLC Europe

Our upcoming BizzPay 8.0 – European Corporate and Retail Payments Forum will be streamed ONLINE and will bring together retail and corporate payments professionals under one roof. Do not miss your chance to hear more about the progress update on PSD2 from the corporate banking perspective, current capabilities and use-cases of artificial intelligence for payments and some of the challenges banks are facing. Participants will also have the chance to discuss topics such as the status of blockchain-based payment solutions and Facebook, Libra and Google accounts and their impacts on the financial industry. Join also our interactive sessions and express your own obstacles, questions and debate about many up-to-date topics with 100+ industry experts. Progress Update on PSD2 Challenger Banks and their role in the current ecosystem Open banking and the potential content of PSD3 Artificial Intelligence for Payments - Current Capabilities and Use-Cases The status of blockchain based payment solutions Facebook, Libra and Google accounts and their impacts on the financial industry


Costs: n/a

Event type: Corporate events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://glceurope.com/bizzpay-8-european-corporate-and-retail-payments-forum-details/?utm_source=smartmoney_match&utm_medium=media_partner&utm_campaign=BP8

Posted by: Adam Soos


Investment service provider

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