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Breaking the Chains: OCD Awareness Symposium

Breaking the Chains: OCD Awareness Symposium organized by Jack Jone


Uniting Great Minds and Igniting Hopes

Lifebulb, the platform that promotes mental health, is about to organize an awareness symposium on OCD. This innovative event is set to bring together experts, and individuals who have experienced Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in a gathering aimed at creating awareness and fostering a sense of community.

What is OCD?

OCD which stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by the presence of intrusive and concerning thoughts or obsessions and repetitive behaviors or compulsions that an individual feels compelled to perform in response to these obsessions. These compulsions can include repeated hand washing, constant checking, constant cleaning, etc.

Shining a Light on OCD

In an age where mental health awareness is of utmost importance, this symposium aims to shed light on the often misunderstood condition of OCD, which affects millions worldwide.

We have a lineup of excellent speakers who hold brilliant expertise in this field and are willing to share their insights on the same. Join this symposium as we hear stories from experienced people, therapy methods, the meaning of OCD behavior, and many more. Renowned experts and researchers in the field of OCD will join us to discuss the latest advancements, treatments, and coping strategies in this field.

Reserve your seat today and get the real definition of OCD- the definition that the Internet cant provide.

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Costs: n/a

Event type: Other events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://www.lifebulb.com/therapy/individuals/obsessive-compulsive-disorder

Posted by: Jack Jone


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