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Enterprise Risk Management MasterClass

Enterprise Risk Management MasterClass organized by GLC Europe

We welcome you to join our Enterprise Risk Management MasterClass on 14 - 15 May 2020 which will be streamed ONLINE led by Phil Griffiths, Managing Director of Business Risk Management Ltd in the UK, a chartered accountant and an associate of the Institute of Internal Auditors. This course provides all the latest developments and features practical exercises on the step by step approach to Enterprise Risk Management. Furthermore, a participative approach whereby auditors and risk managers work together to identify, assess and control business risks significantly enhances the level of assurance and reduces the chances of nasty surprises – a huge benefit to most organizations.


Costs: n/a

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://glceurope.com/enterprise-risk-management-masterclass-details/?utm_source=smartmoney_match&utm_medium=media_partner&utm_campaign=ERMMC

Posted by: Adam Soos


Investment service provider

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