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Event by Laura Rys: The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens Means Demand for IP Rights

Event by Laura Rys: The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens Means Demand for IP Rights  organized by Laura Rys


With the rise of blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become increasingly popular. NFTs are essentially digital assets that can only exist in specific quantities. This is reflected in the way they’re represented — for example, a digital painting can be represented by a unique string of characters called an ERC721 token. In many ways, NFTs are similar to domain names. Just as an individual might not want their personal domain name associated with every website they create, the same is true of NFT owners. While there isn’t much demand yet for this type of digital asset, it could represent value once demand increases and creators begin offering exclusive rights to use them using intellectual property (IP) law.

Experienced securities law attorney Laura Rys, who has over 26 years of experience in legal matters,  will hold an online event in which she will share everything you need to know about NFTs and the demand of IP rights.


About Laura Rys

For 26 years, Laura Rys has practiced securities law with an independent boutique firm specializing in real estate financing, life insurance premium financings, and initial public offerings. Saint Armand Ventures has honored her as New York Businesswoman of the Year.

Laura provides financial transaction assistance to family offices, corporations, foundations, and charities.

She works at the Warren Law Group in New York City. She previously worked as a solo attorney in New York. Through solo practice, she was able to expand her corporate and litigation practice and build a solid client base. Laura has also prosecuted securities arbitrations in addition to advising entrepreneurs on expanding their businesses.

Moreover, Laura Rys holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Seton Hall University South Orange NJ, as well as a Juris Doctor degree from Seton Hall University Newark NJ.


Event Topics:


What is a Non-Fungible Token?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital asset that can only exist in certain quantities. Just like a car or a painting, the digital asset can be represented by a unique string of characters. Unlike fungible tokens, which are divisible, and therefore interchangeable, NFTs are unique and therefore can only be owned by an individual. As such, the value of NFTs is based on the scarcity of each token. Laura Rys points out that NFTs can be used to represent a large number of assets, including real-world items. For example, a digital painting of a sunset could represent an ERC721 token. A digital painting of a mountain could represent a different type of token. NFTs are often referred to as “non-fungible tokens” or “NFTs,” but the latter is perhaps more appropriate.


Non-Fungible Tokens: The Future of Intellectual Property Rights?

NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as a new kind of digital asset. However, Laura Rys claims that the future of NFTs lies in their use as an extension of intellectual property (IP) law. The value of many NFTs is based on the scarcity of a particular asset. The greater the scarcity of a specific asset, the greater the value of the associated token. As an increasing number of creators and investors begin to create and trade NFTs, demand for IP rights in NFTs will increase. Owners of IP will want to ensure that their rights are protected in these new types of assets. The same is true of IP owners who choose to trade and use NFTs.


Demand for IP Rights in Digital Assets

While the use of NFTs is relatively new, the demand for IP rights in NFTs has been around for some time.

“In fact, the use of NFTs to represent IP has been around for many years. NFTs have long been used to represent licenses,” indicates Laura Rys, who has extensive experience in securities and business law.

In the music industry, digital assets representing licenses are commonly traded as non-fungible tokens on various blockchain platforms. These tokens are used to represent both the right to use the music and the right to profit from its use. As the use of NFTs continues to grow, demand for IP rights in NFTs will only increase. NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as a new type of digital asset. However, the demand for IP rights in NFTs has been present for some time. As the use of NFTs continues to grow, demand for IP rights in NFTs will only increase.


Copyright Holders Demand Exclusivity

In addition to representing physical assets, Laura Rys shares that NFTs can also represent intangible assets, such as copyrights. Like IP, copyrights can be protected by granting a certain number of exclusive rights to use them for a certain period of time. For example, if a digital artist creates a digital painting of a mountain, the token representing the mountain could represent a digital asset that is a digital painting of that mountain. The token could also represent the copyright to the work. Once created, the copyright could be used to control the rights to use the digital asset. In this way, the copyright acts like a lock: it controls access to the digital asset by preventing others from using it. However, the copyright would allow for the restriction of use to certain individuals for a certain period of time.


The Bottom Line

NFTs are a relatively new type of digital asset that represent specific assets, such as physical items and copyrights. The demand for IP rights in NFTs will only increase as the demand for these new types of digital assets grows and investors begin trading these assets. NFT owners who create these types of assets can protect their IP by granting exclusive rights to use them for a certain period of time.

You can join this event for free on Laura Rys’ YouTube Channel.


Costs: n/a

Event type: Corporate events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://laurarys.com/

Posted by: Laura Rys


Laura Rys at Laura Rys

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