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Finance in Climate

Finance in Climate organized by SIIA


The theme of our Year Ending online event is Finance in Climate Change, due to the importance it holds for the wellbeing of our Planet and urgency for action. And to discuss and share views on how the influence of Finance and Investment can be used to fight Climate Change and keep the temperature rise limited to 1.5C. We invite you all to contribute to creating a better environment and social balance as a legacy to the youth and to the next generations to come. To elaborate this theme further, we decided to organize our last online event of the year 2020 to cover this important topic with leaders such as Stephen Brenninckmeijer, Elina Kamenitzer, H.E. Jan Peter Balkenende, and few more Surprise Guests who will be joining. The Finance in Climate Change webinar is a unique event for all who are investors, thought leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, students, and academists. The interconnection between Finance and Climate will lead us to a long-term solution for addressing our current challenges, impacting all lives on our Planet. Our Speakers, who are experts, investors, and leaders in Finance and Climate Change, will be inspiring all of us with their thoughts, experiences, actions, and wisdom. We are offering an opportunity to all attendees to join in our event followed by the Online Networking Apéro with us to celebrate the festive season and the new year 2021. Looking forward to seeing you online on the 15th of December at 5 pm CET.


Costs: CHF 10

Event type: Networking events

Registration information: https://camomile.ch/page/view-event-profile?id=21

Event website: https://camomile.ch/page/view-event-profile?id=21

Posted by: Rossella Meo


Non-profit , founded in 2015

11 – 50 employees

Investment service provider

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