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LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass

LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass organized by GLC Europe

We welcome you to join our LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass unveiled by GLC Europe on 25th and 26th May 2020 which will be streamed ONLINE led by Jean Paul Lemmens, Managing Director at Commercial Health Consulting in The Netherlands. Today’s LifeScience environment is dynamic, very changeable and requires a broad and holistic view for every manager/executive working in this environment. The LifeScience Micro MBA program is a condensed overview of all aspects with respect of doing business in a LifeScience environment which will prepare managers who have further career ambitions either in their current role/discipline or considering a switch to any other discipline in this industry. The program will focus primarily on sharing experiences and case-studies in forum discussions and exercises setup rather than classroom teaching only. The learning outcomes of this masterclass include: Gain more understanding and overview of all elements belonging to the total LifeScience value chain Know what strategy and strategic thinking means for LifeScience now in the coming future How to become a leader in a LifeScience environment How to turn strategy into a go-to-market plan How to apply Marketing and Sales Excellence in a LifeScience organization Learn from real-life LifeScience experiences and business cases


Costs: n/a

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: https://glceurope.com/lifescience-micro-mba-masterclass-details/?utm_source=smartmoney_match&utm_medium=media_partner&utm_campaign=LSMMMC

Event website: https://glceurope.com/lifescience-micro-mba-masterclass-details/?utm_source=smartmoney_match&utm_medium=media_partner&utm_campaign=LSMMMC

Posted by: Adam Soos


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