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Managing Risk In Across Real Estate Investments In 2021 To Drive Resilience

Managing Risk In Across Real Estate Investments In 2021 To Drive Resilience organized by iGlobal Forum


Despite continued market uncertainty in 2021, the real estate sector has proven its resilience. Join iGlobal Forum at Managing Risk In Across Real Estate Investments In 2021 To Drive Resilience, a virtual event that evaluates how investors can proactively implement strategies to manage or minimize risk in 2021. 6 real estate risk experts will delve into an analysis of the top risks for 2021 and how to develop robust plans to manage risk at each stage of the investment cycle. February 25th, 2021 at 11:00 am EST. Register now using code SMART for 20% off.


Costs: $99

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Registration information: http://bit.ly/2OOyk4m

Event website: https://bit.ly/2OOyk4m

Posted by: Aimee Moore


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