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Offshore & Floating Wind Europe 2023

Offshore & Floating Wind Europe 2023 organized by James Power

London, UK

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Join Offshore and Floating Wind Europe in London on October 25-26, 2023, to deliver more projects at a larger scale. 

We will shape your strategy for scaling up the supply chain, streamlining permitting, commercializing floating wind, and overcoming port and grid to deliver clean, affordable energy.

Meet with 250+ executives in the developer, supplier, 0EM and government communities. Understand how to take concrete actions and shape the future of offshore wind. 


Defining Themes for 2023:

Supply Chain Scale-Up: Find out how to build and scale a reliable supply chain to deliver energy security

Collaboration: With policymakers, OEMs, developers and regulatory bodies, shorten permitting timeframes and unleash the potential of OEM-Developer synergies.

Port and Grid Infrastructure: Unlock the potential of offshore wind by taking advantage of the power of hybrid projects, grid integration and energy islands

Financing: Make your projects bankable and profitable.

Floating: Develop, trial and executive the transition from pilot schemes to fully commercialized wind farms.



Event type: Corporate events

Registration information:

Event website: https://events.reutersevents.com/renewable-energy/offshore-floating-wind-europe?utm_source=5923_mediaPartner_SmartMoneyMatch_EventListing

Posted by: James Power


Marketing & Partnership Execut at Reuters Events

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