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Open Data Science Conference East 2020

Open Data Science Conference East 2020 organized by Open Data Science Conference

Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston St · Boston, MA

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Please register here: https://hubs.ly/H0f-D3w0 Use discount code ODSC_SMARTMONEY for getting an additional discount to all conference passes: ODSC - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/odsc-east-2020-open-data-science-conference-tickets-71527277011?discount=ODSC_SMARTMONEY 6th Annual ODSC East, ODSC East 2020 in Boston. About the Conference. ODSC East 2020 promises to be one of the largest and most exciting conferences yet. Our speakers include some of the core contributors to many open source tools, libraries, and languages. From beginner to expert, we will have it covered. We'll have: * Bootcamps and data science kick-start for beginners * Sessions on frameworks, tools, and topics for our practicing data scientist * Research Frontiers talks, featuring the top AI Labs and their advances in ML, DL, NLP, Vision, Robotics, and more Additionally, our Ai x Summit (https://odsc.com/boston/aix-east/) will dive deep into how AI is changing business verticals, such as finance, climate, healthcare & pharma/biotech, retail, manufacturing, cyber & fraud, energy, and transport. Overall, we'll have 400 hours of content and an incredible lineup of the leading experts in data science and AI from across academia and industry. Focus Areas Deep LearningMachine Learning, Predictive Analytics, AI for Engineers, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization, Data Wrangling, AI Research, Data Science at Scale, Data Science for Good, Data Science Management, Data Science Workflows, AI Business Summit Networking Opportunities Connect with 5,500 of your data science peers from around the world at networking opportunities like: Daily Coffee Breaks / Review the talks over coffee Career Fair / Cross paths with startups and Fortune 500 companies looking to hire talented data scientists Office Hours Session / Drop in and bring your questions, big and small Share a meal and ideas with like-minded individuals at Dinner with Data Scientists. (This a self-organized event. ODSC suggests the venue and provides a signup sheet. Each individual is responsible for their own dinner cost.) ODSC Links: • Get free access to more talks like this at LearnAI: https://learnai.odsc.com/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPENDATASCI/ • Twitter: https://twitter.com/odsc & @odsc • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/open-data-science/ • Slack Channel: http://odscglobal.slack.com • Code of conduct: https://odsc.com/code-of-conduct/


Costs: n/a

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://odsc.com/boston

Posted by: Antony Grigut


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