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PROFITABLE BUSINESS WITH IMPACT organized by Svetlana Banerjee


“All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” — Napoleon Hill Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur, grow your existing business or incorporate sustainability and impact into it? Then this Webinar is for you! Learn about the most booming and meaningful sector - Impact Investing: Are you seeking ways to make money in these difficult times? Are you the one with ideas and seeking for resources to convert them to reality? Are you seeking to grow or transform your business and make it financially independent? Are you seeking funds for your business? Get answers to the above questions and learn How to create a successful and meaningful business, solving environmental and social issues while generating high returns. How to structure and scale your business to generate both - high returns and impact. How to successfully fundraise in the impact investing sector. How to get support, expertise, and funds available for Impactful businesses. Impact Investing is booming, even in these difficult Covid times. One has to look at the existing impact investing funds and businesses which have by far outperformed traditional investments and unsustainable businesses. Now it is no more just a moral but is a smart choice to choose to be an entrepreneur in this Sector of unlimited growth potential for the coming century.


Costs: Free

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: https://camomile.ch/page/view-event-profile?id=24

Event website: https://camomile.ch/page/view-event-profile?id=24

Posted by: Svetlana Banerjee

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