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Private Credit Summit

Private Credit Summit organized by Opal Group

Clifford Chance New York, West 52nd Street, Manhattan, New York, NY, U.S.

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This event brings investors, issuers, platforms, underwriters, rating agencies, lawyers, service providers, and other industry-related professionals together to network and explore important topics and trends. Industry leaders will provide insight and expertise on todays evolving landscape in Private Credit. Expect exciting discussions with industry leaders on topics related to maximizing investment returns, reducing risk, and the emerging opportunities in private credit.

Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your business and implement the tools necessary to stay one step ahead of your competitors.


Costs: Please see website for more details

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: https://opalgroup.net/conference/private-credit-summit-nyc-2024/#tabs-01-04

Event website: https://www.opalgroup.net/trk/pcsc2401.html

Posted by: Kimberly Pacheco


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