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ProSeed Asia Roadshow

ProSeed Asia Roadshow organized by ProSeed


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ProSeed is a series of vibrant and generously impactful events in the crypto and blockchain space hosted across the globe. It offers a platform to connect promising projects with relevant and interested institutional investors, venture capitalists, family offices, exchanges, and HNIs. The first stop of the ProSeed Asia Roadshow will be Singapore on 20th June 2019, followed by Hong Kong on 25th July, and Seoul on 29th August. The meetup includes opportunities spanning across on-stage pitches, private meetings with investment funds, and unconference-style networking opportunities. To know more about ProSeed, visit the website or reach out to them at ping@proseed.io. For more event details and updates- https://www.instagram.com/proseed_on/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/proseedon https://twitter.com/proseedon https://www.facebook.com/proseed.io/


Costs: https://proseed861292.typeform.com/to/phopEJ?utm_source=website%20partner

Event type: Networking events

Registration information: https://proseed861292.typeform.com/to/mjDRVS?utm_source=website%20attendee

Event website: https://www.proseed.io/

Posted by: Tanya S


Investment service provider

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