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Solarplaza Summit France

Solarplaza Summit France  organized by Solarplaza

Paris, France

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Reigniting the French Solar PV Revolution

Learn how to overcome the main solar market challenges at the Solarplaza Summit France

After some slow years of muddy progress, renewed efforts to reignite the French renewable energy market have brightened up the prospects for RE professionals active in France. The 6th edition of the Solarplaza Summit France will unite key local and international solar industry players to assess the market, take stock of the new legislation aimed at kickstarting development, and come up with innovative solutions to the pressing challenges at hand. 

On January 10th, the French Government adopted the ‘Renewable Energy Acceleration Act’, in a strong effort to drag the French sustainable energy transition out of its slump. Long and complex permitting procedures slowed RE capacity build-out down in recent years, making France the only EU country that failed to reach the 2020 RE targets mandated by the EU. Now, France seeks to close the gap on its Multiannual Energy Plans objective - which states a target of 40GW of installed PV capacity by 2028 and 100GW by 2050.

Under the new law, the development prospects for solar are broadened by, for example, providing a framework for agrivoltaics and simplifying the permitting of solar installations near highways and railways. Despite its potential, the introduction of this law has also been met with skepticism regarding its practicability and effectiveness. Furthermore, the growing number of intermittent renewable energy sources has complicated grid network management and voltage control. Another controversial topic is the recognition of France’s nuclear fleet in its decarbonization objectives, which raises the critical question of the role of PV in Frances future energy roadmap.

Addressing all these questions and concerns, whilst highlighting the many opportunities and large potential, is at the core of the Solarplaza Summit France on June 29th in Paris. To find a way out of this crisis, the entire solar ecosystem must find a way to work together: from public authorities to developers, investors, off-takers, and manufacturers. At this key event, you will learn from industry thought leaders, influential investors, PPAs experts, grid operators, and other pioneers that are giving shape to the French future energy roadmap. With the confirmed presence of ministry officials and the TSO, the regulatory and policy perspective and input will be actively be involved in the discussion, and through the partnership with local associations like La Plateforme Verte, the program is assured of the local network and expertise of important industry organs. Join this key event to strengthen your position in the market and acquire a fresh dose of inspiration, knowledge, and connections.

Solarplaza Summit France

29 June 2023 - Paris

Tickets: €895 (Early Bird) / €995 (Regular)

Contact: dee@solarplaza.com

Register now: https://bit.ly/3L6ueQi


Costs: €995 (Regular)

Event type: Networking events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://bit.ly/3mi3kdJ

Posted by: Emily B


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