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Supply Tech Summit

Supply Tech Summit organized by Supply Tech Summit

Arni Magnussons Gade 2, København, Denmark

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SupplyTech Summit is a student-driven conference centering itself on best practice in Supply Chain technologies that integrate, optimize, and automate processes. Our mission is to provide you the most valuable, independent and trending information, and connect you with the most relevant people of your industry. This way, you will have access to information and people, which is essential for your company to succeed in an increasingly complex Supply Chain environment. Supply Chain Management is rapidly changing due to the fast-paced digitization, which is both increasing complexity but also creating new opportunities. The transformation is of such importance that prominent thinkers are naming it Industry 4.0, representing the fourth industrial revolution. Our goal is to shed light on the most essential information so that you can be a part of and take advantage of the endless opportunities that the digitization brings. SupplyTech Summit was established by students from Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark with a real passion for Supply Chain Management to provide top executives with the best platform for discussing current challenges and to share best practices.


Costs: 190 € early bird offer, 400 € standard price (#seeyousoon 15% discount code - limited time)

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: https://www.supplytechsummit.com/nordic/register/

Event website: https://www.supplytechsummit.com/nordic/

Posted by: Frederik Binow


Investment service provider

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