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Sustainable financing to reach the Sustainable Development Goals – ADB’s work in Asia and the Pacific –

Sustainable financing to reach the Sustainable Development Goals – ADB’s work in Asia and the Pacific – organized by Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce

Haus zum Rüden, Limmatquai, Zürich, Switzerland

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The Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce and SmartMoneyMatch in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank are pleased to invite you to this most interesting luncheon event with Ms. Ingrid van Wees, Vice-President for Finance and Risk Management, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. They form part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by 191 member states of the United Nations. The SDGs set 169 targets for global achievement by 2030, in areas such as the protection of natural resources, climate change, disaster resilience, peace and security, equality, economic growth, and decent jobs. Achieving the SDGs will require massive new international, domestic, public, and private financial support. These are all vital issues for Asia and the Pacific. ADB supports the enhanced ambitions the SDGs embody and is fully committed to helping to meet them. Building better, more sustainable infrastructure—an area in which ADB excels—will provide the basis for achieving the SDGs. Schedule: 11:15hrs - 11:30hrs Registration 11:30hrs - 11:45hrs Welcome Remarks & Introduction Dr. Urs Lustenberger, President, Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce, Zurich Mr. Patrick Kriesemer, Vice President, Chairman Malaysia & Brunei Committee, Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce, Zurich 11:45hrs – 12:15hrs Sustainable financing to reach the Sustainable Development Goals - ADB’s work in Asia and the Pacific - Ms. Ingrid van Wees, Vice-President for Finance and Risk Management, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines 12:15hrs – 12:20hrs Switzerland’s role within ADB Mr. Stefan Denzler, Deputy Head, Multilateral Cooperation, SECO, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, Berne 12:20hrs – 12:40hrs Questions & Answers 12:40hrs – 14:00hrs Lunch Early registration is highly recommended. Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce, P.O.Box 1073, CH-8032 Zurich, e-mail sacc@sacc.ch, www.sacc.ch


Costs: SmartMoneyMatch members CHF 140.- / Non-Members CHF 160.-

Event type: Networking events

Registration information: Please register by by e-mail to: sacc@sacc.ch, or fax to 041 620 88 03, until 20 June 2019 at the latest.

Event website: https://www.sacc.ch

Posted by: Barbara Moeckli Schneider


Non-profit , founded in 1994

501 – 1000 employees

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