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The RBS Scandal; and why it really matters

The RBS Scandal; and why it really matters organized by The Transparency Task Force


We’re going to be dealing with issues summed up so well by Roberto Saviano, the courageous anti-mafia journalist who famously said “London is the heart of global financial corruption.” And we’ll be doing so by focusing on the insights and experiences of TTF member Mark Wright and his supporters. Mark worked for Nat West/RBS for 25 years. He was successful and enjoyed his job, but he became a Whistleblower to alert senior executives about what was going on that shouldn’t have been. Mark has been living with the severe adverse consequences of doing the right thing ever since. Now, Mark is fighting back, bravely. He is campaigning to run a Judicial Review; please be sure to read about Mark’s campaign before attending the symposium, you can read about it here. TTF is supporting this brave underdog, in the firm belief that a victory would be one of the greatest comebacks of all time in one of most important "battles for the truth" in UK financial services history. Please join us in backing Mark Wright all the way; attending Thursday’s event is an important way to do so. Other speakers include Ian Fraser and Paul Carlier.


Costs: FREE

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: https://www.transparencytaskforce.org/register-for-a-complimentary-ticket/

Event website: https://www.transparencytaskforce.org/upcoming-events/the-rbs-scandal-and-why-it-really-matters/

Posted by: tina Kenyon


Non-profit , founded in 2015

1 - 5 employees

Investment service provider

100% positive feedbacks

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