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Webinar on How to be a Successful Abstract Painter by Anthony Zappin

Webinar on How to be a Successful Abstract Painter by Anthony Zappin organized by Anthony Zappin


Abstract painting is one of the oldest visual arts. It has been around for thousands of years and continues to be a popular form of expression for artists today. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about the process of abstract painting and how it can help you succeed as an artist.

In this webinar, you will learn from Anthony Zappin, a prominent abstract painter all about being an abstract painter, from understanding your personal style and subject matter to selling your work, market trends, finding representation opportunities, working with curators, dealers and collectors - everything you need to know to become a successful abstract painter!


What you’ll learn in this webinar

Over two hours, Anthony Zappin will discuss the fundamentals of being an abstract painter, from understanding your own art and subject matter, to selling your work and finding representation. He will cover market trends and essential ingredients to successful abstract painting. We’ll also discuss finding representation, working with curators, dealers and collectors. Zappin will also discuss some of the challenges you may encounter as an emerging abstract painter.


Understanding your personal style and subject matter

First, before Zappin jump into the business side of things, let’s start with some basics. How do you know what kind of painting style will work best for you as an artist? What about your subject matter? Are these two factors related? If you don’t have a firm understanding of both of these, you can easily end up painting in a style that does not suit you or your subject matter.


Selling your work

Selling your work can be tricky, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Like most things in life, it takes practice to become an expert in the field. Luckily, there are plenty of resources online that can help you hone your skills and become a more successful artist. In fact, there are many online courses, workshops and mentoring programs that can provide you with the support you need to be successful. One of the first things you’ll want to do is determine your price point. This will help you establish a price range for your work. What price point should you set? There are many factors that determine this. You’ll want to consider your style, what industry standards are, your location, and other factors. Once you’ve determined your price point, you can begin to think about marketing your work. There are many different ways to market your work. You can put an ad up on social media, create a digital presence on your website, and/or create content that helps people discover your work.


Market trends and essentials for success

After discussing how to sell your work, Zappin will talk about the market and how it can help you succeed as an artist. There are a number of different market trends in abstract painting. One of these trends is the rise of visual data. Visual data refers to the fact that viewers are able to access, analyze, and interpret visual data via computer screens, mobile devices, and other screens. This has had a major impact on the market, as it has made it easier for viewers to understand paintings. The rise of visual data has also had a major impact on how prospective buyers find and acquire art. With an abundance of visual data comes an abundance of competition. This can make it hard for artists to stand out in the crowd and make their mark.


Finding representation

According to Anthony Zappin, representation is one of the most important aspects of becoming an established abstract artist. The best way to find representation is to build a portfolio and actively market it. If you have a strong portfolio, prospective agents, galleries and collectors will seek you out and contact you. You can also ask collectors, curators, artists, and critics for their recommendations and try to build a portfolio around the work they mention. While building your portfolio, you’ll want to present your work in a way that can show off its strongest points. This can range from the theme of your painting to the colors used. You can also talk about your painting’s subject matter, the context in which it was painted, and how you felt when you were painting it. You’ll also want to be sure that your work is up to date. You can do this by keeping your paintings up to date with the latest trends. You can also keep your work up to date by providing commentary on each painting. An updated work will give you a better chance of being contacted by a gallery, agent, or collector.


Wrapping up

Abstract painting is one of the oldest forms of visual expression. There are a number of misconceptions about the process of abstract painting and how it can help you succeed as an artist. By understanding your personal style and subject matter, selling your work, market trends and essential ingredients to successful painting, you’ll be better equipped to find success as an abstract painter. So, follow this webinar to learn more about how to be a successful abstract painter.

To learn more about Anthony Zappin, read this interview.


Costs: Free

Event type: Corporate events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/anthony-zappin

Posted by: Anthony Zappin

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