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Webinar: Walking the talk - Empowering Value Chains to Effect Climate Action

Webinar: Walking the talk - Empowering Value Chains to Effect Climate Action organized by Ksapa


So your company has analyzed its risks, built internal alignment up and down and issued a bold sustainability strategy aligned with a 1,5°c global warming trajectory… What now? Can innovative finance structuring give teeth to sustainability commitments? Can it prevail while businesses are in full cost-control mode to offset coronavirus impacts? Collaborative investment schemes can bring industrial and investment players together. The goal is to create the financial conditions for suppliers and client companies to step up their efforts and match corporate commitments. Ksapa is pleased to welcome the expert perspectives of truly global decision-players from across the board to discuss the ins and outs of this exciting new approach : Leila Kamdem-Fotso, Partner – Financial Services @ Mazars in the UK Ramiro Fernandez, Policy Advisor @ High-Level Climate Action Champions Kim Hellström, Strategy Lead – CSR @ H&M


Costs: n/a

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/walking-the-talk-empowering-value-chains-to-effect-climate-action-registration-110291254110

Event website: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/walking-the-talk-empowering-value-chains-to-effect-climate-action-registration-110291254110

Posted by: Sona Kessaria


Privately held , founded in 2019

6 – 10 employees

Investment service provider

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