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Public company; Founded in 2015
11 – 50 employees



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Switzerland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States

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CPD Development Program: Developing ELD Skills for Core Content Teachers: Many schools need more staffing resources to support English Language Learners (ELLs). This programming series reduces that need by equipping teachers to provide English Language Development (ELD) interventions. Making the process comfortable for content teachers, we utilize Off2Class help them learn ELD concepts, then provide ongoing coaching and lesson feedback CPD Development Program: Training for an Online World: In a post-COVID world all ELL teachers must be fully capable of teaching online. This series will train ELL and core content educators (as needed) with best practices for online instruction using Off2Class. We provide educators with hands-on instructional training in one-on-one and small group settings, helping them use Off2Class resources to target individual student needs. CPD Development Program: State Assessment Preparation Each state requires annual student ELL assessment sittings. Although state assessment score printouts can help educators in their instructional approach, translating score printouts to action can be challenging. With this series of professional development, we will review our powerful custom course builder tool, our vast curriculum contents, host a test preparation workshop for your teachers, and even meet with your students to help develop their study skills (optional).


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