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Public company
51 – 200 employees



Relationship history

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Areas of expertise
  • Legal and compliance services
  • Corporate/M&A
  • Banking and finance
  • Capital markets
  • Comercial
  • Antitrust/Competition
  • Intellectual property
  • Dispute resolution
  • Private clients
  • Real estate
  • Due diligence services
  • Operational due diligence
  • Investment due diligence
  • Auditing services
  • Data rooms
  • Fund services
  • Upfront consulting
  • Fund administration
  • Custody
  • Trading
  • Regulatory & compliance services
  • Fund governance
  • Fund operations
  • Country specific help
  • Risk management/reporting
  • Banking services
  • Branch and retail services
  • Financing
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Custodian services
  • Underwriting
  • Brokerage/Payment
  • Insurance services
  • Pension schemes
  • General insurance policies
  • Catastrophe insurance policies
  • Insurance broker/advisory
  • Life insurance policies
  • Consulting for investing
  • Market research
  • Investment consulting/advisory
  • Risk management consulting
  • Benchmarking
  • Capital introduction
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Communication
  • Advertising
  • Fintech
  • Data vendor
  • Blockchain/crypto currencies
  • Services to banks/financial intermediaries
  • Finance management
  • Alternative financing
  • ICT
  • Software
  • Hardware services
  • Data services
  • General services
  • HR services
  • Finance & accounting
  • Real estate services
  • Planning & building
  • Property utillization
  • Evaluation & financing
  • Facility/property management
  • Investment research
  • Company research
  • Technical research
  • Asset class
  • Thematic research
  • Credit, rates & currencies
  • Industry
  • Commodities
  • Macro & politics

Served jurisdictions

Switzerland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States

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We speak

Responsive Web Content Solutions - QuoteMedia provides dynamic financial content tools and widgets for websites. Our plug and play content widgets can be seamlessly integrated into any website with ease. We provide quote and research widgets that are preconfigured, as well as solutions that are completely customized to meet your specific needs. Financial Data APIs & Data Feeds - QuoteMedia provides XML and JSON market data on demand as well as low latency, fully redundant, streaming data feeds. With XML & JSON Market Data APIs, you can request quotes, history, fundamentals and research as you need it. Quotestream Suite - Quotestream delivers low-latency tick-by-tick data and features completely customizable screens, advanced charting, comprehensive technical analysis, news and research - all accessible from your desktop, tablet or mobile device.


Mike Swartz
Technical Sales Lead

Colin Walker
VP of Sales