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RiverArch Ventures LLC

Self owned; Founded in 2022
1 - 5 employees



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Areas of expertise
  • Legal and compliance services
  • Corporate/M&A
  • Banking and finance
  • Capital markets
  • Comercial
  • Antitrust/Competition
  • Intellectual property
  • Dispute resolution
  • Private clients
  • Real estate
  • Due diligence services
  • Operational due diligence
  • Investment due diligence
  • Auditing services
  • Data rooms
  • Fund services
  • Upfront consulting
  • Fund administration
  • Custody
  • Trading
  • Regulatory & compliance services
  • Fund governance
  • Fund operations
  • Country specific help
  • Risk management/reporting
  • Banking services
  • Branch and retail services
  • Financing
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Custodian services
  • Underwriting
  • Brokerage/Payment
  • Insurance services
  • Pension schemes
  • General insurance policies
  • Catastrophe insurance policies
  • Insurance broker/advisory
  • Life insurance policies
  • Consulting for investing
  • Market research
  • Investment consulting/advisory
  • Risk management consulting
  • Benchmarking
  • Capital introduction
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Communication
  • Advertising
  • Fintech
  • Finance management
  • Alternative financing
  • ICT
  • Software
  • Hardware services
  • Data services
  • General services
  • HR services
  • Finance & accounting
  • Real estate services
  • Planning & building
  • Planning
  • Design
  • Property utillization
  • Evaluation & financing
  • Research and due diligence
  • Facility/property management
  • Investment research
  • Company research
  • Technical research
  • Asset class
  • Thematic research
  • Credit, rates & currencies
  • Industry
  • Commodities
  • Macro & politics

Served jurisdictions

United States

We speak

RiverArch Venture LLC's project is the uniquely innovative and largest potential building in the world, the East River, NY river-spanning RiverArch. You can read more about it in this headlined article in The Broadsheet (scroll past the ads a bit): http://bit.ly/BroadsheetRA1 and see a 3-minute video flythrough here: http://bit.ly/Riverarch. I am part of a 6-member consortium and the building's designer and originator. The ROI is projected to be $9.1b after 68 months, when all 7,630 condo units are sold, even with 30% affordable units to meet MIH requirements. Right now, we are looking for angel investors for early seed capital - up to $5m - for (new) lawyers, lobbyists, environmental assessors, etc. needed to mount a campaign.


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